Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'm back, sort of.

Wow! It has been a long time since I've posted.  I have been sans computer for about 8 months now, and I realized how much I actually hated them.  I did not miss it at all.  However, The Susi has been talking (writing?) on facebook for a few months now, and she convinced me to get a new one.  So, we purchased a mac last night.  Wow, this thing is easy to use, but I've been a PC guy for so long, I am still not sure what all the buttons do.  I did notice something about mac people, though.  What is wrong with them?  I am standing outside of Willow Bend Mall and people keep coming up to me and asking me about how long I've been a mac person, and when I switched from the "Dark Side".  Are you fucking kidding me?  It's just a computer!  Get over it, who cares!  You mac people are driving me ape shit!  But besides that, the last few months (read 3/4 of a year) have been pretty busy, we had Christmas, a trip to Disney World, and a dog.  As I get back into writing again, I'll fill ya'll in on a little bit about everything.  Brace yourself, here comes a Lucas story.  about a month ago, I took Lucas to his first baseball game.  The boy is a huge fan and he was super exited about going.  So, we get there, and Lucas gets his popcorns and his water, and begins watching the game intently.  The 40-something lady next to us begins talking to Lucas and he offers to share his popcorns with her.  she accepts, and he starts handing her popcorn one at a time.  The Frau turns to me and asks why I'm not eating any.  I look at her and answer that I'm not putting anything that boy hands me in my mouth.  She looks at me like I'm the worst dad ever, and continues to share Lucas's popcorns.  Around the 7th inning, I hear the lady say to Lucas, What's this?  I look over out of curiosity, and see her rolling what looks like a popcorn kernel between her thumb and index finger.  Lucas says in the loud proud playground voice that only a 2 year old has "It's a booger!" Needless to say, I got the you must be the worlds worst dad look, again; I didn't need to say I told you so, but when a parent says I wouldn't eat anything that boy hands me, it should be a warning.

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